Calling All Angels, Taxi to a New Eden by Mary Cox Garner
In her new book, Calling All Angels, Taxi to a New Eden, Mary Garner, Best Selling author from Washington, DC, inspires us with stories of everyday people who truly are angelic beings that are creating a more peaceful and loving world with their service and messages. The sub-title is Taxi to a New Eden and several of the stories are of life-saving dramatic events, some of which concern the author’s own family.

It is powerful and enlightening when the writer declares that we all have the power to choose, as Abraham Lincoln stated in his 1861 Inaugural Address, for “the better angels of our nature” to guide us, no matter what the circumstances.

As you read you will be affected profoundly by just how closely connected we are and by the fact that we are all traveling on an inner road that crosses artificial 
boundaries. With all the tragic stories that we hear so often, this is most encouraging and refreshing. 

In the end, the author asks for readers to send in their own inspirational stories to a dedicated email address in order that they may be published on the website or in 
a future book.


Calling all Angels 
Mary Cox Garner has given us a very interesting read in Calling All Angels. She compiles different situations, seemingly making each chapter like a book within a book. She takes real-life scenarios where she finds herself in a situation with a service industry person (taxi drivers, food service workers) that is potentially disastrous, but the "Angel" service worker is able to diffuse the situation, and other stories along that theme. Calling All Angels really is a great, positive book! I found it very uplifting, it even put me in a better mood while reading it. Anybody looking for a feel good story book will enjoy this one! ~Crystal Lanham 

Positive, good read for all
"Calling All Angels" by Mary Garner is a very positive, uplifting book. The book is first person form, in which she tells stories of taxi drivers and other people in service positions. Each chapter is like its own little book for each story, where you are briefed on the situation, then move into the conversation and/or altercations that arise, and the positive ways these are diffused.

The book almost reminds you of a self-help book, which it is, in a way. The book is very wholesome, and has strong religious roots. Each person who diffuses a situation, or helps someone without being thanked is known as an angel in the book.

I can not wait to see what Garner comes up with next. This book is family friendly, you can read together and to your children without worrying about coming across any scenes that might be inappropriate for children. ~Thomas Lawson 

Paying It Forward
Mary Garner, early on in this radiant book states, `Our greatest strength is not in how much we differ from each other but in how much--how very much--we are the same.' She is an observer of humanity, watching for signs of human kindness, and having the faith that there is the possibility of a transformative spirit accessible to each of us. Garner comes to this book well prepared, holding degrees in religion, theology, clinical psychology, and international law. Reading her fine book, it becomes obvious that she maintains a strong desire to be of service in teaching, human rights advocacy, counseling, disarmament negotiating, dispute resolution, and global efforts of interfaith cooperation and peace-building. 

Garner's introduction discusses the presence and the meaning of angels and how they appear at the most propitious times. `My life's continuing journey has evolved to envision a New Eden: a more loving, compassionate, and insightful way of living. This inner vision, when it is allowed to advance and move through us, can transform our individual lives - and, hopefully, the world around us.' Garner starts her many shared stories with a number of experiences with taxi drivers and how these men made a difference on many occasions in the lives of others. In each of the stories she shares, she focuses on how depending on our inner visions can keep us focused on the importance of the continuity of mankind - that string of instances that demonstrates how connected we all are if we only remain astute and aware of the positive flights of angels that hover over us. `There is something extraordinary about the sacredness associated with those who minister to us as nurses, doctors, hairdressers, wait staff, taxi drivers, and many other service-related professions.' Garner helps us open our eyes and minds to the little miracles and in dong so she provides an inordinate amount of hope in the future of our world - if we stay aware and care. ~Grady Harp

We all need angels, particularly the ones that are close by!
Mary Cox Garner has written a number of spiritual books that have introduced her very special quiet spirit to many, many people. The book is different in that she walks out of her home in Washington and purposefully meets people she has had no contact with before. This is particularly true of taxi drivers whom, with great skill and compassion, she draws into talking about their life and the lives of their families. Just by approaching taxi drivers with respect as normal people just like herself, she opens up whole dialogues that radically change her -- and our -- view of taxi drivers -- how educated they are, how devoted they are to their families, the frightening and dangerous stories of how they immigrated here from many of the "killing fields" around the world and the high aspirations they have for their children. The book is a joy to read: I smiled often and kept testing my own feelings against Mary's experiences. A seemingly simple reaching out to say "Hi" and what a rich world of experience and friendship came back -- an invitation to us all in our rapidly changing world! ~Jaan Whitehead

Simple and sophisticated
We don’t have, in my opinion, enough sources of inspiration through the day. Our lives are fast and without spirituality and human connection. We don’t make eye contact with our fellow humans. We don’t greet people on the street, in grocery store, and one of the taxi drivers in the book said how shocking it is now to see someone entering cab without looking at their phones, ipods, tablets, etc. This book is very inspirational and very easy to read. No preaching, no pulling you to the other, “better” side. It brings the reader back to humanity without heavy philosophical dissertation. It says stop, stop, stop and smell “the coffee”. Learn more about your fellow coworkers, neighbors, business acquaintances, and for most our family and friends. Learn to recognize all the angels around us. Read it right before bed time. You will sleep well afterwards. ~disappointedorange 

Very uplifting book
Garner says that we all have the power in our own hands, an energy to promote healing and positive results. She refers to it as our life force or Tao, a benevolent peacekeeper of sorts. Her inspirational message reminds me of a pay-it-forward type of scenario, and she proves it by taking to the streets and using taxi drivers as examples. She has a subtle but strong message on how to become more enlightened or mindful of yourself and others. We can all become more receptive. She also talks about how to let go of negative tendencies and strengthen our inner journey. It is a very uplifting book. You will close the pages feeling very positive about yourself and all the new possibilities in your life. ~L.A. Howell 

In her insightful and compelling new book, Calling All Angels: Taxi To A New Eden, Mary Garner reveals profound insights into the nature of our fellow humans heretofore unrecognized or ignored by most of us. Her in-depth discussions and inquiries into the nature and humanity of those who spend their lives serving others as taxi drivers is amazing. We are are so often so busy in our personal lives we ignore or fail to recognize the beautiful humanity of those who seek to serve us. There are clearly angels to be found in many parts of our lives if we take the time to look, like in taxi cabs as an example and in many other experiences as well. 
~john dvw

Calling All Angels is a very meaningful book and a superb read. Ms. Garner uses stories about taxi drivers and other people in service jobs to share just how valuable and dedicated these people are and what a help they are. Before I read this book, I really did not give taxi drivers or food service people that much thought, however, now I see them in a brand new light. Superb stories in this book: All of the stories in this book are wonderful, however, the one that I like the best is one called "Angels Among Us". In this story, it is amazing how many people come to help especially the taxi driver who shows up right away! Plus Affirmations - At the end of each story, there is a heartwarming and thought provoking affirmation (almost like a prayer). This is an added part of the book that I really enjoy! ~Daisy S.

Mary Garner is a published author and dedicated philanthropist. Her work includes a best selling book, The Hidden Souls of Words, and three workbooks on: Anger, Love, and Forgiveness. In coordination, she has authored articles on Anger and Violence Prevention. 

Her writing career has been bolstered by her multiple avenues of study. Mary holds degrees in religion and theology, clinical psychology, and international law. Her diverse interests and the overarching desire to be of service have led to teaching, human rights advocacy, counseling, disarmament negotiating, dispute resolution, and global efforts of interfaith cooperation and peace-building. 

Many life experiences have profoundly demonstrated to her how good can come from what may look impossible on the surface. Her most recent book, Calling All Angels; Taxi to a New Eden is inspired by mind expanding experiences and coincidences that are powerful, uplifting, awe-inspiring and in certain instances lifesaving.

In 1985, Mary established a foundation, HOPE, INC., which continues to address both the material and spiritual needs of children and their caregivers. The majority of the proceeds from her published work go to charitable programs.

She lives in Washington, DC and has three grown sons.

It has been a great privilege and touched my heart and soul to have had the opportunity to meet the many "angelic" people I have written about in this book. I am forever transformed through the experiences I shared with them and am very grateful to impart these hidden treasures.  
Never had it occurred to me to make a practice of interviewing taxi drivers. Indeed, I only required their services occasionally. After several profound encounters with taxi drivers and other remarkable individuals, I now realize more fully how life can bring inordinate surprises and can even involve jarring awakenings!

My memory takes me to Somerset Maugham's book, The Razor's Edge, where his main character expresses the "belief that ultimate satisfaction can only be found in the life of the spirit"...and this character intimated that on his return to America from abroad, he would perhaps drive a taxi to find a way to fulfill that goal.  

Indeed, many of the people, drivers and others I have written, about were truly inspirational. I have an even better sense of the great diversity within our culture and also what we have gained historically and currently from the richness that we, as immigrants, have brought to our country.

The concept of angels and the part they play in a person's life are nothing new, and they are especially not anything new in the literature of today. Entire books have been written on the subject of angels, a word derived from the Greek, angelos, meaning "messenger." 
D. H. Lawrence wrote that, "The highest function of mind is its function of messenger." How they appear to us and how we discern their constant and continual influence has yet to be revealed. The purpose of this book is not only to share my journey of discovery but also to encourage others to become aware of and share similar revelations.

It is hoped that not only do these insights open your eyes to the concept of angelic influence, but also to the various forms that they may take in your life. There are surely times when we all have felt alone. In looking back over my life, experience has revealed that we are ultimately never alone and are connected, unconditionally loved, guided, supported. This is illustrated in several taxi and other related stories that also show how angelic encounters can happen anywhere and often. I am confident that through reading the book you may be prompted to discern this actuality in your own life.

My life's continuing journey has evolved to envision a New Eden: a more loving, compassionate, and insightful way of living. This inner vision, when it is allowed to advance and move through us, can transform our individual lives--and, hopefully, the world around us. Amazingly, this has been visualized and expanded through my recent thoughtful and enlightened communications with taxi drivers from fascinating and diverse backgrounds. These interactions took courage on the part of the drivers to speak candidly as they responded with grace and interest when I inquired about their lives.

As the letter to the Hebrews said, "Do not be afraid to entertain strangers for thereby you may be entertaining angels."
Mary Cox Garner has a skill and passion that invites us to pay attention to remarkable conversations with taxi drivers and others. As Mary goes about her life in Washington, DC area, she finds surprising richness and connection with these messengers of "all sorts and conditions". Mary reminds us to open our hearts and minds to those we come to meet in our daily lives, not just taxi drivers but, also family, friends and acquaintances."

Uplifting and Inspirational
By John Chancellor "Mentor coach" 

Mary Cox Garner, author of Calling All Angels, has written an uplifting and inspiring book that centers around her very positive experiences with some taxi drivers.

The most important lessons you will take from this book is that the world looks the way you look at it. Ms. Garner has chosen to look for the best in others, to always see things in the most positive light. As a result, the world generally reflects what she is looking for.

While most people stereotype all taxi drivers in a somewhat negative light, Ms. Garner sees each taxi driver (and everyone for that matter) as an individual, with their own story, their own challenges and accomplishments. By looking for the best in others, she has collected a number of very positive stories involving taxi drivers.

I am not sure that the title adequately describes what the reader is in store for. First, the term angel is derived from the ancient Greek, angelos, meaning "messenger". In a sense everyone is or can be an angel. We all have a message. But as Ms. Garner points out, too many of us are not listening or are simply too busy to hear the messengers all around us.

To further explain part of the title, Ms. Garner is searching for a New Eden. Near the end of the book, she asks the question, "What does your New Eden look like?" She then goes on to explain what a New Eden would look like to her. "Let us choose to see the light of the New Eden shinning forth from within us as we envision a compassionate, less turbulent and more livable world."

Throughout the book, Ms. Garner is suggesting that we slow down, look at the messengers all around us, look for the good in everyone we come in contact with, be more empathetic to others, acknowledge that we are all humans, and learn to cooperate for the good of all.

Ms. Garner's writing is influenced by her strong spiritual beliefs. Her kindness and love for nature and all mankind comes through in her writings.

I believe the book will be most valuable to those who are troubled by our current state of affairs and are looking for a path to a more civilized world.

Enlightening Stories
By Dr. Joseph S. Maresca "Dr. Joseph S. Maresca ... 

"Calling All Angels" documents the fact that angelic encounters can and do happen just about anywhere. The book is jam packed with stories like the first one which deals with conflict
deflection in favor of taming the ego in the interest of peace on the streets.

The book describes the ultimate satisfaction in life which is found on the spiritual level. By extension, angelic encounters can happen anywhere at a moment's notice. Miracles happen every day on the road with some people surviving even the most horrific accidents.

Occasionally, a good Samaritan does stop to aid a stranded driver as the author documents so meticulously in her book. Sometimes, these acts can be life changing, as well as courageous as evidenced by the person who jumps on the train tracks to rescue a child.

"Calling All Angels" asks that we respond to our better instincts and random intuition even if the streets are crowded, the traffic lights don't work and potholes challenge us more often than not.